One Day At a Time
I said I would not be political However I consider the trampling of women’s rights a principle of fundamental rights And before I go further, I would like to remind everyone that they have a mother, a sister, a wife, a daughter, a friend, a respected colleague... With all being revealed in the political clime, how would you feel if Roy Moore rode in on his horse, had his way and held, women hostage within the confines of the state, denied them their constitutional rights, reverting the back to indentured servants and chattel, allowing the ”boss man”, husband or otherwise directed, to have his way and perform whatever sexual desires, whenever, with no legal recourse because chattel means you are a piece of property or an animal, you have no independent existence, therefore no respect or rights. And as in days of yore, children may be ripped from their mother’s arms, even from the birthing bed. Mothers and daughters may be required to perform together, if sexual st...