Let me introduce myself- but wait!  You already know me!  I am a wife, mother, daughter, sister, friend, person in the grocery line, movie line, an empty nester, newly joined the ranks of the sandwich generation and recently retired.  I have challenges but hey, who of us doesn’t!  I try to meet all challenges as I do life-with common sense, humor and a touch of philosophy.

My friends and family insisted I share my whimsical commentary on my observations of daily life and musings during this next stage of life.  I will endeavor to do them proud.

I will try to stay away from things political, staying mostly comical, most definitely nothing harassing or sexual however I will not be able to resist the occasional commentary from my former profession being…legal.

And now I must confess, I often write in rhyme,
whether a curse or a gift…you will determine in time.

And while I am reticent to comment on any political news
When something is crazy, I simply cannot snooze
The attorney client privilege is not to be taken lightly
Nor to be abused, as it can ricochet rather smartly
If conduct is considered criminal, fraudulent or contrary to the interests of justice
The privilege is not absolute and can disappear in that instance
The news today is so perturbing
The privilege asserted is not privilege so that is disturbing
It could be considered bad faith or even obstruction,
What happens next will be worthy of a show stopping Broadway production!

And as a side note in this time of DC promiscuity
Whatever happened to the standard of "the appearance of impropriety?"
And...where were these gladiators of our time raised?
By what standards, ethics-should they be praised or tased?
My sons and husband treat everyone they meet
With courtesy and respect, never a thought to mistreat
I know because I raised my boys
And my husband? 34 years of marital joy!

On a lighter note…more about me…my husband and I have just, right now, sold our 3rd home in A YEAR!  The first time we had to pack up 34 years of marriage in 3 weeks!
Well, it was actually worse than it sounds.  My husband J is a minimalist and I (you can call me Barb)…get attached to things.

This is what we learned from the experience and the pearl of advice I wish to impart:

If it isn’t necessary stuff
Then it piles up into JUNK
Once a week for a 20 minute window
Weed through it all, see what needs to go!

It’s obvious if you haven’t worn it in a YEAR
It is NOT an item you hold dear
So TOSS the article OUT
When sure or even when in doubt
What is left is what you truly adore
Proving the adage-less is much more!

And, once you go through a closet, a room, wait a month and go through it again!  We all accumulate way more than we need. (I, am the worst offender…although, I am not too apologetic until I have to pack, then even I have to laugh at myself!)

We will be looking for our “new” “ever after” house next week.  Then we will not have to pack again and I know we will not be accumulating because I have been told over and over how we will be living a minimalist lifestyle with no clutter...
No clutter?  Who can live without clutter?  That is like living without color or music, air or freedom of expression! 

Sort of gives you an idea of our personalities, doesn’t it?!

Remember to go out and do something fun because we are definitely worth it!

Until next time…
“You don't stop laughing when you grow old, you grow old when you stop laughing.”

— George Bernard Shaw


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